I've practiced with ct-art about a week now and so far" the circles" have been as promised, -maybe a bit more boring than I originally thought...
My "status" at the moment:
ct-art lev1 x5, lev2 x3,
with troyis I'm stuck on lev 25 and Fritz attack training average is 32.
I'm thinking that I should add some playing elements to this training regime so I'm going to start playing at fics again. Couple of 3min games a day should be just fine.
So far, So good... So what!
2 days ago
I went to look at your recent games at FICS. The last game you played was 9 days ago?! What's up with that? I thought you said that you will start playing again... I'm really disappointed in you!!! ;-) I hope you will play more games soon...